Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? cdn2.hubspot.net
God and the Word lived for eternity in the past in perfect harmony. Evil and disharmony began when one of the angels, Lucifer, rebelled. His rejection of God was by his own choice. He turned hostile to God and pride led him to turn against and attack his perfect Creator. God doesn’t want us to become as Satan is, but when He created humanity, man was still given freedom of choice, because He greatly desires children who *choose* to be like Him. To prevent all human suffering, God would have to take away man’s free will, which would interfere with the development of the godly character necessary to become His children – to become like Him. Our first parents were instructed in the garden of Eden of God’s way of life. But Satan worked to thwart their relationship with God, resulting in them choosing to reject God’s instruction and go their own way, the way of disobedience which leads to suffering. What followed on was humanity set on a path of independence from God and self-determination. Mankind’s choices to reject God’s way and to follow Satan’s way of sin are the underlying and fundamental cause of confusion, pain and turmoil. But God does have a very positive plan for humanity which will end suffering once and for all. When everyone chooses good rather than evil – as God defines them – there will be no more suffering, only righteousness, peace and joy.
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