Tithing: First Tithe – Martin G. Collins cgg.org
Tithe means one tenth. God requires a tenth of our financial increase to be given back to Him. This is called the first tithe. Today this tithe is used primarily to preach the gospel to the whole world as commanded by Jesus Christ. The first tithe allows the Church to freely give to all. The tithing principle can be found throughout the Bible. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek, the king of Salem. Later, when Israel became a nation, God assigned the commission of administering the first tithe to the Levitical Priesthood. The tithe still belonged to God, but He chose the Levitical Priesthood to handle the tithe’s physical aspects. With the birth of the New Testament Church and the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, the Apostle Paul confirms the continuation of the tithing law. It was not done away with, but its administration is now given to the New Testament Church, the apostles and ordained ministry keeping in mind, the first tithe always belongs to God and He determines how it is administered, rendering a spiritual component. Yes, God commands we give a tenth of our physical increase, but it also involves our spiritual conviction. We don’t view tithing as a burden when we are of a willing and obedient spirit. It shows our attitude towards God’s commands. As we obey God, we strengthen our conviction and faith. We learn God’s way of life – the way of giving as opposed to the way of get.
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