The Problem of Pride – Gary Petty
For so many there are times when life can feel exceedingly and unfairly cruel. This Blog highlights one such story of a Continental officer who faced a litany of perceived inequity. Justifying himself through the many personal sacrifices he made, this man turned on the once loved cause that he felt had now betrayed him.
When viewing betrayal through pride, regard for others takes a back seat to one’s inflated self-importance. Pride neither allows you to accept responsibility for your actions or to forgive others that hurt you. This manifests into an exaggerated trust in self and contempt toward others.
This author reminds us of the importance of being “poor in spirit”. A humble attitude that allows for forgiveness of others. This mindset can only come when you realize how small and meaningless you are without God. A “poor spirit” is to understand that we are all weak and flawed individuals in need of forgiveness.
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