Drunk With Blood, Part Two: Understanding Love sabbaththoughts.com
In Part Two of this series, we learn that Godly love makes a clear distinction between right and wrong, good and evil—and what’s more, it refuses to condone or approve of anything wrong or evil. Godly love comes with the understanding that the best life we can live exists within the boundaries of God’s law, and that by stepping outside that law, we expose ourselves and those around us to pain, suffering, and death. As viewed from God’s perspective, He creates the earth, the entire universe, as a cradle for the human race. He gives them laws and standards designed to keep them safe, prosperous and happy—and then He watches them discard those laws like trash. He watches His creation hurting itself. What does a loving God do in a situation like this? How does He express His love toward a people bent on causing themselves pain? There’s only one thing He really can do. He ends that pain. He ends the existence of those so obsessed with self-destructing. He cuts off their ability to hurt themselves and others by cutting themselves off from the life they are determined to ruin.
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