Are Humans Good or Evil? – Richard Ritenbaugh
Are people good or evil? This question has been debated for thousands of years and still is to this day. Was man created with an evil nature or a good nature? There are many theories supporting both sides. The answer to the question is found in the Bible. After God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day Genesis 1:31 says, “Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.” Adam and Eve were created in the image and likeness of God and they were “very good”. So from mankind’s creation, man was very good. There is no mention of man having an evil nature. But it isn’t long before we read of Cain murdering Able. By the time of Noah, God “saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen 6:5”. How did man become so evil? God created man with free moral agency – man could decide to obey God or turn from Him. When tempted by Satan, Adam and Eve decided to turn from God. Because of their action, their minds became polluted with evil. And that evil came from Satan. So how do we overcome the evil nature that fills are hearts? Through repentance we can acknowledge our evil nature and start to obey God’s commandments. God’s law is perfect and can convert the soul. We can fight the evil nature in us by living a Godly life showing those around us the true nature God intended for us and all mankind.
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