Pilate asked of Jesus a rhetorical, sarcastic, and cynical question that feels extremely relevant today: “What is truth?” he posed. With limitless information at our fingertips, we can “know” anything. But society has never been less sure of truth. Somewhere along the way, it became subjective. Now, we seem to have given up on the idea all together. A lot of thinking that has undermined…
Story Category: Creation
Are People Lost Because of Adam’s Sin? – Herbert Armstrong hwalibrary.com
Christian teachings concerning the “fall of man” hold that God made man complete, perfect, with an immortal spirit soul. Further, that this creation was then corrupted by Satan, forever condemning humanity to hell, and that God has ever since been trying to “save” men in a contest with Satan for these fallen souls. That’s not what the Bible says. Man is mortal. He does not…
Remember Your Creator – Ulysses Ronquillo thefatherscall.org
King Solomon’s depth of experience – good and bad – allowed him to accumulate (with God’s help), a great deal of wisdom. Toward the end of his life he wrote the book of Ecclesiastes in order to leave a legacy of his wise conclusions. The final chapter of the book pulls together his powerful observations regarding life and life’s priorities. It begins with an admonition…
Original Sin – Sam Sweat ucg.org
Original Sin is a cornerstone of popular Christianity that claims human beings are born evil; i.e. Adam transmitted guilt for his sin to each of us by virtue of simple heredity. This is a fundamentally wrong premise with far reaching bad consequences throughout modern history for both Christians and non-Christians. The doctrine was championed by St. Augustine, who was a Gnostic blending paganism and Greek…
Examining Our Assumptions – Tim Vail thefatherscall.org
We all have the proclivity to make assumptions. We make them in our relationships with each other and in our relationship with God. An assumption assumes a certain reality that can be very different to the truth of a matter. Assumptions often lead to incorrect conclusions which in turn can lead to building walls and barriers. Satan the Devil is a master at inducing us…
Paths of the Sea, Highways of the Heart – Bryan Fall tomorrowsworld.org
It is hard to look at the ocean up close and personal and not be impressed with the majesty of its unending waves and tides. It’s power, rhythm and beauty is so immense that it beckons millions to come to its shores or out into its depths. Even so, there is far more to it than meets the eye. The Psalmist was inspired to write…
DNA: The Tiny Code That’s Toppling Evolution – Mario Seiglie ucg.org
Darwin Wrote about his theory of evolution in 1859. Life appeared much simpler at that time. Viewed through the primitive microscopes of the day, the cell appeared to be a simple blob of jelly. Almost 100 years after Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species was published, Scientists, James Watson and Francis Crick, discovered deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). What scientists have learned since it’s discovery is that DNA actually…
Biblical Principles of Health – Douglas S. Winnail tomorrowsworld.org
As we face a global pandemic, this article sets out to show, in extensive detail, biblical health principles. It’s not widely understood but the biblical approach to health focuses on education, the prevention of disease and the active promotion of health”. Without ignoring the spiritual implication of many of Gods laws, the health benefits of keeping said laws are undeniable. Overall health benefits, including protection from infectious disease…
Are Humans Good or Evil? – Richard Ritenbaugh cgg.org
Are people good or evil? This question has been debated for thousands of years and still is to this day. Was man created with an evil nature or a good nature? There are many theories supporting both sides. The answer to the question is found in the Bible. After God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day Genesis 1:31 says, “Then God saw everything…
Thinking Well, Part I – Carmine Russo churchofgodnetwork.org
Most are not taught to freely reason but instead are conditioned. “We are enslaved to the bias, prejudice, anger, envy, and jealousy that have become a large part of our nature.” We, therefore, must work to recognize this habituated mindset. To do this, four “Categories of Awareness” are highlighted: time awareness, task awareness, result awareness and self-awareness. Time awareness refers to our ability to manage…
God’s 7,000-Year Plan – Wyatt Ciesielka lcg.org
There is ample proof that the universe is billions of years old, however, this does not preclude God’s 7,000 year plan for humanity. These widely varying ideas about the history of the universe can be rectified by the Gap Theory. By reading Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1-3, we know that the Word (Jesus Christ) was with God from the beginning. Through the Word, God created…
Drunk With Blood, Part One: The Proper Context sabbaththoughts.com
Skeptics of the Bible often accuse God of being inconsistent, cruel or unjust. Is He a God of love, or a God wielding harsh punishments sometimes on large swaths of people? The argument stems from some of the more graphic stories of the bible and ask how a “loving God” could do that. The problem is that, almost universally, these stories are presented without any…
Drunk With Blood, Part Two: Understanding Love sabbaththoughts.com
In Part Two of this series, we learn that Godly love makes a clear distinction between right and wrong, good and evil—and what’s more, it refuses to condone or approve of anything wrong or evil. Godly love comes with the understanding that the best life we can live exists within the boundaries of God’s law, and that by stepping outside that law, we expose ourselves…
Drunk With Blood, Part Three: Beyond Justice sabbaththoughts.com
We know that sin, unchecked and unchallenged, spreads like a disease. We know that God’s decision to put an end to corruption is just, fair, and ultimately an act of love from a patient God no longer willing to watch His creation engaged in a cycle of self-destruction. In Part Three, we learn the final piece of the puzzle. The actions that seem so final…
Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? cdn2.hubspot.net
God and the Word lived for eternity in the past in perfect harmony. Evil and disharmony began when one of the angels, Lucifer, rebelled. His rejection of God was by his own choice. He turned hostile to God and pride led him to turn against and attack his perfect Creator. God doesn’t want us to become as Satan is, but when He created humanity, man…
Mystery of the Mind – Wallace G. Smith tomorrowsworld.org
The human mind is fascinating on every level of analysis that it can conceive of to examine itself. It seems that the more it is studied, the more proportional the mystery that unfolds. One thing that is not debatable, however, is that the human mind is far more advanced than any other in the animal kingdom. But why is that? Humans have a brain just…
Evidence of God’s Design – Bill Jahns lifehopeandtruth.com
Many wonder when they look up in the heavens at night or simply at all the life forms here on earth, “Is there really a God who designed and created all these things?” Well, there is a great deal of evidence that points to a creator God. We marvel at some of the design and subsequent construction of complicated mechanical devices that are credited to…
When Demons Are Real! – Steve Myers ucg.org
Many believe that Jesus is truly the Son of God as revealed in the bible. But the bible also reveals that Satan and his demons are real too. They are the enemy of Christ and of all humanity. Their goal is to undermine and destroy the faith of the godly who seek to follow and apply God’s truth in their lives and to further darken…
Angels – Chris Moen lifehopeandtruth.com
Angels are ministering spirits carrying out God’s work. They praise God, they execute His righteous judgment, and they protect those that are His. Although they can be found in different forms, most often angels have appeared as men when making themselves known on earth. Angels are intelligent and have free moral agency which is why Lucifer was able to deceive one third of God’s vast…
Hope in Times of Depression – Marissa Baker churchofgodnetwork.org
In times of great stress and anxiety the Bible is an excellent source for hope. This hope is not a superficial, “I hope everything turns out the way I want.” The words of the Bible give us hope in something greater than ourselves. Knowing God is working out a greater purpose in us is strength in itself. We then take this knowledge to face stress…